10 专家

第10节 专  家

上海龙凤shlf最新地址妮莉·莫克:“  'Trashed Out' Las Vegas Woman Viaim of Foreclosure Mistake," Channel 8 News Now, Las Vegas, December 21, 2009, available thttp: //4closurefraud.org/2009/1 2/21/trashed-out-las-vegas-woman-\             victim-o f- foreclosure-mistake 。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址一位男士向报道该事件的电视台诉说了同样的遭遇:  “Another Person Claims Theft in Foreclosure Mistake," Channel 8 News Now, Las Vegas, December 26, 2009, available at http: //4closurefraud. org/2009/1 2/26/trashed-out-another-person-claims- the ft-in- foreclosure-mistake 。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址他们只愿意给予5000美元的赔偿:  “Attorney Claims Woman ls Inflating Her Loss in Foreclosure Mix-Up," Channel 8 News Now, Las Vegas, December 26, 2009, available at http: //4closurefraud  org/2009/1 2/ 2,3/trashed-out-attorney-claims-womar_is-in flating-her-loss-in- foreclosure-rnix- up。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址纽约东帕乔格地区的赫络斯基斯一家: Carl McGowan,“Lender Admits Foreclosure Letter Sent in Error," Newsday, December 18, 2009。

富国银行(第一份抵押权的所有人)起诉富国银行(第二份抵押权的所有人):Al Lewis,  "Wells Fargo So Big It's Suing Itself," Dow Jones Newswire, July 11, 2009. Also see Angie Moreschi, "Have the Banks Gone Crazy? Wells Fargo Sues Itself," Consumer Warning Network, July 2, 2009。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址圣诞节前,花旗集团宣布了一项重大决定:  “CitiMortgage and CitiFinancial Announce National Foreclosure Suspension Program to Help Distressed Homeowners During the Holiday Season," Citigroup press release,December 17,2009。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址得到暂缓的只有花旗在投资组合产品中完全拥有并且没有证券化的四千份贷款: Matt Weidner, "Citi Suspends Foreclosures: Will/Should Other Lenders Follow Suit?”December 21, 2009, http: //mattweidnerlaw. com/citi-suspends- foreclosures-willshould-other-lenders- follow-suit 。

难怪英国有一家公司开发了一款新的打地鼠游戏,躲开木槌的不是地鼠,而是银行管理人: BI3C News,“Bankers 'Whacked' in Arcade Game," December 13, 2009. Also see Michael Redman,  “  ‘Whack a Bankster' Game Is a Hit," 4closurefraud.  org, December 15, 2009。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我每天都在孩子上床睡觉后,工作到半夜: Lisa Epstein,“Granted?Funding Is Hard to Come By! "  Foreclosure Hamlet, December 19, 2009。

每天越来越多的时间里,我坐在那里放空、发呆:Lisa Epstein,“The Last Day of a Difficult Year," Foreclosure Hamlet, December 31, 2009。

“新年快乐,银行歹徒们!”:Michael Reclrnan,“Happy New Year Banksters," 4closurefraud.  org, January l, 2010。

《一人多职:一个人担任多家银行的管理职位》: Lynn Szymoniak,“An Officer of Too Many Banks,”January 14, 2010, www.  scribd.  com/doc/2526621 6/An-Officer-o f-Too- Many_Banks。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址1971年3月8日,反战激进主义组织:Betty Medsger,The Burgiary:The Discovery of J,Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI  (New York: Random House,2014)。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址2014年1月,夜闯行动的罪犯最终曝光:Mark Mazzetti,“Burglars Who Took on FBI Abandon Shadows," New York Times, January 7, 2014。

琳恩聘用了前夫马克·库伦作为代理律师: Deutsche Bank v.LYnn Szymoniak, Case ID 502008CA022258ⅪⅨXMB, July 22, 2008, available at http: //courtcon.∞.palm-beach.n.us/pls/jiwp/c_public_qry_doct.cp- dktrpt- framcs?   backto=Base一 id= 502008CA022258XXXXMB&begin_date= 8end_date=。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址德意志银行起诉她时,并不拥有这笔贷款: Assignment of Mortgage for Lynn E.  Szymoniak, Public Records of Palm Beach County Clerk of Circuit Court,  book 22918, pages 1029 - 1030,  CFN# 20080386764。

美国住房抵押贷款服务公司于2008年年中收购了第一优选公司:“Company Overview of Option One Mortgage Corporation," Bloomberg News,www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/ snapshot.asp?privcapId= 951370。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址她发现科雷尔被指控于2009年1月在俄克拉何马州犯身份盗用罪:"Federal Grand Jury Criminal Indictments Announced," press release,  U.S.Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Oklahoma, January 14, 2009, www.fbi. gov/oklahomacity/press-releases/2009/oc011409a. htm。

科雷尔身处俄克拉何马的州立监狱之中:State of Oklahoma v.Harp,Korell Rashaud, filed September 12, 2008, Pittsburg County, OK, No. CF-2008-00394,  http: //wwwl.odcr.com/detail? court= 061-&casekey=061-CF+ + 0800394.The charges were later dropped when the arresting officer was found to have made racist comments about Harp and his companions. Omer Gillharn, "Racist Comments Oust Officer," Tulsa World,February 21, 2009。

她没有找到附笺: Palm Beach County Public Records,book 19933,page 1827, http: //oris. co.palm-beach.  n.us/or_webl/details.  asp?doc_id=15519163&index = 0&file_num = 20060092890。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址她至少是十几家机构的副总: Lynn Szymoniak,“Who Is Linda Green?" Housing Justice Foundation, December 12, 2012, http: //thjforg/2012/12/12/who_is_linda_green; Lynn Szymoniak, "Doc\ Fabrications id Forgeries-Comparing Signatures and Titles on Mortgage Documents,"January 19, 2010, available at 4closurefraud.  org。

2009年的最后一周,她在《欺诈文摘》中发表了几篇文章: Lynn Szymoniak, "Docx Mortgage Assignments Filed in Palm Beach County, FL(A科),”Fraud Digest,n,d.,available at http://thjf.org/2012/12/21/docx-mortgage-assignments- filed-in-palm-beach-county- fl-a-h 。

她在《欺诈文摘》上单独发表了一篇文章:Lynn Szymoniak,“Too Many Jobs," Fraud Digest, January 19, 2009, available at http://4closurefraud.org/2010/01/27/too-many-jobs-linda-green-tywanna-thomas-korell-harp-and-shelly-scheffey。

DocX提供的是重罪证据:Szymoniak,“Who Is Linda Green?" (also provides Linda Green signature sampleS)。