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9  人  脉

上海龙凤shlf最新地址在止赎前收到逾期特别通知: On the Veterans Administration,see the VA Servicer Guide, 59 - 72, www. benefits. va. gov/homeloans/documents/docs/vaservicer— guide.   pclf.  For FHA loans,  see the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development Loan Servicing Guidance home page,  http:  //portal.  hud.  gov/hudportal/HUD?  src =/federal_housing _ adrninistration/healthcare   facilities/residential   care/loan _servicing。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址12USC1701x (c)    (5): Accessed at the Legal Information Institute,Cornell University Law School, https:  //www.  law.  comell.  edu/uscode/text/12/1701x.

她不得不在大厅里面见客户:Mike Stuckey,“‘Angel’of Foreclosure Defense Bedevils Lenders,”MSNBC, December 19,  2008, www.nbcnews.com/id/28277420/ ns/business-real_estate/ t/angel-foreclosure-defense-beclevils-lenders。

“无支持证券”: Christopher Ketcham,“Stop Paymentl" Harper's,January 2012; April Chamey,‘‘Direct or Indirect, Mortgages Are Flawed,"New York Times "Room for Debate,” October 16, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址文件制作团队流水作业:Dory Goebel and Chrys Houston,“Department  Spotlight:  Document  Execution,"  'Die  Summit  ( internal newsletter produced by Fidelity National Foreclosure Services) 2, issue 3( September 2006):  16 - 17.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址马克斯·加德纳的破产案课程训练营:Prashant Gopal,“Foreclosure Lawyers Go to Max's Farm for Edge," Bloomberg, October 27, 2010  Also Max   Gardner's   Bankruptcy   Boot   Camp  website  at  www.maxbankruptcybootcamp. com。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“秀出本票”辩护法: Kimberly Morrison, "Lawyer's Foreclosure Defense of 'Quiet Title' Faces Tests," Jaclzsonville Business Jo"rtud, November 20, 2009。

之后提供二十小时的无偿专业服务:Stuckey,“‘Angel' of foreclosure"。

上诉法院又否定了判决:Susan Martin,“Lawyer Has Strategy to Fight Foreclosures, and Shares It,”Tampa Bay Times, April 3, 2009。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《纽约邮报》称她为“贷款骑警”:Richard Wilner,“The Loan Ranger," New York Post, February 22, 2009。

罗根法官驳回了抵押贷款电子注册系统试图以自身名义发起的所有止赎诉讼: Mike McIntire, "Tracking Loans Througha Firm That Holds Millions,”New York Times, April 24, 2009。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址在丽莎和迈克尔发表博客文章之前的2009年7月,马特就开始写博客了: Available at http:  //mattweidnerlaw.  com/latest-news/blog。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“腐败县”:  “Is Palm Beach County Ready to Retire Its 'Corruption County' Reputation?" Palm Beach Post, March 22, 2015.  Also Hector Florin,“Palm Beach: The New Capital of Florida Corruption," Time, January 10, 2009。

汤姆就威代尔VS太阳信托银行案一路上诉到复审法院,艾斯律所打赢了这场官司:Vidal v.SunTrust Bank。Fourth District Court of Appeals, Florida, No. 4D09-3019, opinion issued August 4, 2010, www.4dca. org/opinions/Aug%202010/08-04-10/4D09-3019.op.pdf。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址她发誓她本人从未去过李县:Kimberly Miller,“Local 'Robo-Signer,Alleges Her SignatureS Were Forged,”Palm Beach Post,April 19, 2011。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址进行了多次逾期通知辩护:Greg StolⅪ,“Understanding the Paragraph22 Argument," Stopa Law Firm, January 30, 2013, www.  stayinmyhome.com/understanding-the-paragraph-2 2-argument。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址布鲁克林的亚瑟·沙克法官曾经驳回了一起约翰逊·塞克牵涉的案件: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company v. Ramash Maraj, Supreme Court of New York, Kings County, No. 25981/07, decided January 31,2008, accessed at http: //stopforeclosurefraud. com/2010/03/26/nysc-udgo-schack-takes-on-robo-signer- erica-j ohnson-seck-deutsche-bank-v-maraj-1。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址但她有权代表该公司签署文件:Testimony in IndyMac Federal Bank . Israel A. Machado, Case No.  50-2008-CA-037322XXXXlvLB, Erica Johnson-Seck deposition taken July  9,  2009, accessed at http://4closurefraud.  org/2009/11/1 5/ full-deposition-of-the-infamous-erica-johnson-seck-re-indYIrac-federal-bank-fsb-plaintiff-vs-israel-a-machado-50-2008- ca-037322xxxx-mb。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址但是法官支持艾斯律所,驳回了止赎申请: Robbie Whelan,"Foreclosure? Not So Fast," Wall Street Journal, October 4, 2010。

丽莎·库劳洛的签名也是一样: Michael Redman,“Scandalous—Substantiated Allegations of Foreclosure Fraud That Implicates the Florida Attorney General's Office and Florida Default Law Group," 4closurefraud.org, March 26,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“完全不尊重事实”:  Michael Reclman,“Full Deposition of the Infamous Erica Johnson-Seck," 4closurefraud.  org, November 15,  2009。

马特也在他的网站上转贴了约翰逊·塞克的质证: Matt Weidner,"IndyMac Bank Fraud-Deposition of Employee that Proves It All!" January 5, 2010, http: //mattweidnerlaw. com/indymac-bank-fraud-deposition-of-employee-that-proves-it-all。

在绝大多数用到这些文件的案件中: Matt Weidner,“Part III—MERS, Foreclosure Fraud and Document Mills," January 8, 2010, available at http:  //wordspy.  com/index.  php?  word= robo-signer。

“机器签署人”这个专有名词:Shira Ovide,‘'Just Where Did the Term ‘Robo-Signer'  Come  From,  Anyway?"  TNall  Street  Journat,  October 21, 2010。

首先,佛罗里达逾期法务集团拒绝了提供律所和库劳洛两人联系记录的要求: Court documents available at Redman, "Scandalous.”。